About RenovaroCube



RenovaroCube is working to transform cancer detection through its advanced AI/Machine Learning platform that harnesses the power of multi-omics analysis and differential molecular capabilities. With access to vast amounts of big data, RenovaroCube is at the forefront of leveraging data mining techniques.  Our unique library of over 2600 biomarker panels offers the flexibility to create custom panels for the pharmaceutical industry. We are rapidly working to expand our platform for as many cancers as we possibly can.


Utilizing differential molecular diagnosis and multi-omic analysis, our platform aims to enhance accuracy in the detection of multiple cancers, with a view to identifying them before traditional methods may find them. Our state-of-the-art AI/ML platform supports precision oncology, offering significant capabilities in minimal residual disease and recurrence monitoring. Thus, supporting patients in readmission allows routine checks, via blood draw, to be carried out, assessed, and then acted upon.

Biomarker Discovery
AI Factory

Explainable AI Engine

  • AI system agnostic, trusted and versatile
  • Capable of handling data from multiple sources


  • Early diagnosis, recurrence and response to treatment
  • Can be applied to liquid biopsies


  • A universal off the shelf approach for various indications
  • Allowing non-toxic universal treatment

The Challenge

Fifty percent of us will develop cancer and half will die of this disease. Early diagnosis will dramatically increase survival but the diagnosis often comes too late may be discovered too offer an effective a cure. When cancer is diagnosed treatment, fails in more than 70% of the cases. Selecting the right treatment for the right patient is essential to reduce side effects and increase survival.

Treatment of advanced cancer is more expensive, complex, and more disruptive for the patient.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could detect cancer at the earliest stage possible and select the right treatment immediately…

The Solution

Modern medicine is increasingly focusing on vertical integration, which involves combining diagnostics and therapeutics to tailor treatments for individual patients effectively. This “first time right” approach ensures that the selected treatment is precisely targeted to the patient’s specific condition, improving outcomes and minimizing unnecessary interventions.

By harnessing the synergy between cutting-edge diagnostics and targeted therapeutics, Renevaro strives to offer comprehensive, individualized care that addresses the complex needs of patients from diagnosis through treatment.

Supporting Our Doctors

We offer an integrated solution for doctor by offering a large array of diagnostic products from early diagnosis, treatment selection, response to treatment and follow-up and therapeutics that are personalized. All these products are offered in one understandable and actionable solution for individual patients supporting the full patient journey. This apporach will increase survival and treatment response and reduce the burden on the healthcare system the individual doctor.

Patient Benefit

Faster diagnosis of cancer and other diseases would mean that the diagnosis could be made sooner after the onset of disease, making treatment simpler, quicker and less disruptive for the patient.

In established disease that has been treated and even considered cured, patients would benefit from follow-up surveillance that is sensitive and accurate.

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